A Statement of Heart-felt Thanks

I want to thank everyone who helped make this site possible, as well as everyone who has affected my life in numerous ways.

First of all, I'd like to give thanks to God for all that He has given me, as well as for giving me the desires of my heart, even amidst life's disappointments; for sending His Son Jesus Christ & for His faithfulness throughout the years and His continuing faithfulness in answering my prayers.

·Michael, Thank you for being an amazing man of God, a wonderful husband & a genuine, caring person...I am the luckiest woman in the world...I have truly been blessed.  I realize that more with each passing day.  Thank you for your continuous love, support, understanding, encouragement & your ability to handle my craziness with a sense of humor, putting up with my continuing growth, being my husband even when it isn't easy to do so, choosing me to be your wife, as well as being a living example of faith to me every day. Thank you also for encouraging me to do this and for introducing me to Christian music (and for all of the waiting around you do while I'm conducting interviews, as well as for your patience with my nerves beforehand :-); without that, none of this would have been possible.  I love you so much!  You mean everything to me!
·Mom & Dad, thank you so much for your love & support throughout the years & for the faith you both have and the faith that continues to grow in you; for the morals and principles you taught me; thank you for giving me life (without the two of you, I wouldn't be here!), thank you for everything!  Dad, thank you also for filling our house & our lives with music & creativity.  That's what started my love of music & continues to inspire me.  Love you both!
Mom & Dad Kunesh...Thank you both for all of your love & support.  Thank you for bringing Mike into this world and for bringing up such a Godly, patient man.  Love you both!
·Frank, thanks for all of your "computer geek" help (and I mean that in the nicest possible way) none of this would have been possible if you hadn't given me a computer and introduced me to the internet; Thanks also for the domain administration..I'd be lost if I had to take care of the technical side (duh!)
·Erika & Katie, thank you both for all of your love and all of your help.  We love you!  You are both shining stars!  I am so glad that we had the opportunity to grow together and I will forever cherish those years and continue to cherish the years ahead; I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to share in watching & helping you both grow & developing a special bond with you both; Chris & Mark, thank you for giving us that opportunity;
·Michael, Chris, Frank, Joe, Mark, Sue, Marci, Erika, Katie, Jamie, Jordan, Caden, Tyler, Ashley, Chris, Lynn, Jim, Kayla, Scott, Terri, Joel, Joel III, Stephanie, Gram, Gramps & Grandma Campise (miss you both so much), Grandpa McComb (I wish I had had the opportunity to know you...I know I will one day), Mom & Dad Campise, Mom & Dad Kunesh, Eli...Thank you all.  You have all helped to make me who I am today and I appreciate and love you all.
·Eli, thank you so much for showing me the way, for being bold & real (I wish that weren't such a rare thing), for giving me the courage to be my true & genuine self by being an example of that yourself, for giving of yourself & your time, for listening & caring, for being a friend to me when I needed one & not being afraid to show me the error of my ways, for being a brother in Christ and showing Christ's love, for welcoming both Mike and I with open arms.  It is due to that example that I learned to expand my own personal space & have learned to welcome & show love more readily to others  Thanks also for your encouragement, patience & understanding, as well as for teaching me about perspective and showing me how to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive catalyst for growth and ministry.  Most of all, thank you for being a living, breathing example of Jesus and servant-hood for me.  My life is forever changed because of that. It is through that living & real example that God becomes real.  Thanks also for the music & the words..they've always gotten through and continue to. We pray for your continued success and happiness.  May God bless you and keep you; thank you so much for everything!  Much love in Christ;
·Family & Friends, thank you all for your encouragement & your love;
·Karen Roe, thank you so much for your encouragement, friendship and kind words.  I am so glad we met!  Your encouragement has helped to spur me on to confidence.  I am also so grateful for your friendship & for the opportunity to work together on something we both believe in;
·Shawna, Eli & staff... Thank you for a wonderful ministry &  for a wonderful site at
·All of my friends on the Sounding Board: Karen, Renee, Phil, Jessi, Catherine, Jodi, Mike, Shanda, Gary, Patrick, Corky, Fay, Randy, Bruce, Rachel,Jacey, Monica, Cheryl, Tim, Quinn, Jenny, Janet, Nancy, Serah, Paul, Jeanna, Robin, Anna, Vicky, Sandy, Ryan, Chris, Karrie, Jeff, Becca, Karlene (and everybody else.. I know the list continues to grow every day!) all challenge me spiritually, inspire me & make me think;
·Andy Argyrakis...Thanks for all of the advice, wisdom gleaned from experience, and your willingness to help a "newbie";
·Janelle & the staff at Act One, thanks so much for the last-minute hair alterations before interviews & for putting up with my craziness;
·Georgia at Gemar, thanks for fitting me in for those last-minute beauty treatments.  I appreciate it so much;
·Peter Furler, Phil Joel, Jody Davis, Jeff Frankenstein & Duncan Philips...Thank you for music that helped start this whole process for me & inspired me (it was at a Newsboys concert that I had an epiphany of faith & the inklings to do what I do went from their embryonic stages to getting close to birth), for being the first to interview with me (Phil, thanks for standing in for Peter & Jeff that day & for putting up with the endless questions of a nerve-wracked first-timer), for all of your wisdom and time & your down-to-earth friendliness and gratitude & your welcoming me so readily; Peter, thank you so much for your getting back to me so quickly when I've needed a phone #, etc. much appreciated :-)  Phil, next time we'll have to make sure the runner knows where the bookstore is :-);
·Nate Cole, Nathan Walters, Jeremy Mhire, Gabe Combs & Jason Perry...Thank you guys so much for the interviews & for your time.  I feel honored to have known you guys from the beginning, when Plus One was a new group just coming out of the starting gates.  I've enjoyed myself every time we've interviewed.  Interviewing with you guys is never boring (to say the least)!  Thanks for providing Christian music you can dance to!  Jason & Jeremy, best wishes to you as you embark on new roads.  Nate, Nathan and Gabe, we pray for your continued success.  I can still remember meeting you guys for the first time at your Promise release party at Lemstone.  You were a fresh-faced group of young guys just starting out...time has brought with it changes, experience, awesome opportunities, a sense of reality & realism about life & the music business & a whirlwind for you guys...may God continue to bless you all;
·Greg Lucid...Thanks for all of the help you gave me as manager of Plus One.  Thank you for your friendliness, encouragement & willingness to welcome me.
·Michael Tait & Justin York...Thanks for a great interview, for the encouragement and a lot of laughs, as well as for the bus tour.  Erika and Katie were thrilled! I know I'll never again be able to say "Mom" or "bag" in quite the same way (hee, hee); Next time we see you perform, I'll make sure not to have any interviews scheduled so that I can see your set :-)
·John Thompson, thank you for the opportunities you gave me with True Tunes.  I am forever grateful for those opportunities for they opened the door for me;
·Jim Baumann and everyone I worked with at the Daily Herald...Thanks for helping me get my start in journalism;
·Melissa Campbell...thank you for all of your help in setting up the Plus One interviews and for your kindness & friendliness and your unrelenting willingness to help & go out of your way;
·Chris Bernstein at Atlantic Records...Thank you for all of the help you've given me in the past; it's been a pleasure;
·Milika, though you'll probably never read this...we are so grateful for you.  Being your sponsors has opened up a new world for us and has given us the opportunity to love a little girl worlds away;
Dave & Judi Fronczak & Jenny, Carrie & Jeff...Thank you for being the best neighbors anybody could ask for...Judi, thanks for all of the advice & wisdom you shared with me.
Everybody at Jam Productions...Thank you for all of the help you have given me.
To my past choir directors and music & piano teachers...Thank you for your instruction & for furthering the love of music within me.
Frank & Sue...Thanks for all of your help with getting the pics uploaded and sent to my computer!
Tracy Cole...Thanks for all the great Plus One pics!
Melissa Hambrick with Spin Cycle...I appreciated all of your help with setting up the very first Plus One interview;
To everybody at First Company Management & InPop Records, Jaime at True Artist Management,...Thanks to all of you for your help!
To the guys from downhere...Thanks for a great interview., for your time..and for all of your kind words of encouragement;
Valerie Williams & Linda Foster...Thank you both for your friendship
Chris & Mark...  Thanks for the use of your scanner!
To all of my new co-workers at Delnor Health & Wellness..It's a pleasure working with you all.  Thanks for making me feel welcome.
Shawna...Thank you so much for all of your help and your "girlfriend" computer advice.  Much appreciated!

Thank you to all the artists, management, record companies, publicists & more for all of your help, your time, your wisdom.
If I've forgotten anyone, I apologize ahead of time.  Please forgive me :-)
·Thank you to everyone who has touched & affected my life throughout the years.  You have all, in one way or another, made me who I am today and have all helped to make this possible.  Thanks and God Bless!


To Max...Thank you for all of your loyalty, your companionship, your unconditional love.  You will be missed greatly.  I wish I could see that adorable little face and that toothy smile again.  I think of you every time I open the fridge and a little black shiny nose isn't waiting on the other side for me, trying desperately to use those beautiful brown eyes to beg me to share.  You didn't have to try too hard now, did you?  We love you Max and always will!  You contributed so much to this site as well...I couldn't have done it without your constant support at my feet (it's so hard to work at this computer now without you in here with me, lying at my feet, keeping me company), listening to my ideas & my endless chatter & lifting me up when I was down.  Thanks for being a great dog and a part of our family.  I'm so glad that God brought you to us and for the years we had together.
In Loving Memory of Max. 
(May 21st 1992-August 21st, 2003)
You'll be greatly missed buddy!
a/k/a Doggie Max, Doggie Mick, The Mid-a-Mick, the Hody Mick and Mad Max (as in Beyond the Thunderdome). 

Most of these nick-names came from our nieces Erika and Katie, who grew up with Max as I babysat them from the time they were 6 weeks old until about a year ago, when Erika was 9.

"I might have missed the pain, but I would never have danced the dance."
Max, thanks so much for the dance.  I wouldn't have missed it for the world!