Straight Talk with eLi
Get to know eLi as he talks candidly about the controversy behind "Now the News", and shares his heart, his personal struggles, his hopes for the church & the music biz & gives the straight talk on just about everything
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" Psalms 100:1
A Close-Up Look At Your Favorite Music, Artists, Entertainment & Culture
This is the place to be if you want to get to know the artists behind your favorite music a little better, beyond all of the hype & celebrity.  If you really want to get to know the hearts of your favorite artists, then you've found the right place.  This is your chance to see them shining outside of the spotlight, far away from it's illuminating glow, getting real.  Get to know them as musicians, people, everyday folks...
Welcome to our first issue & our launch!!  Click on the pictures to be taken to NoiSe's exclusive articles!
After introducing to the world a genre of music that was yet untapped in the Christian market just a few short years ago, as well as breaking through walls of the traditional box that Christian music is sometimes put into (with appearances on Touched By An Angel, Live with Regis & Kelly, a major McDonald's promotion), Plus One shares the scoop on this incredible journey.  The good, the bad & the "obvious".  Come back with me to an exclusive interview from their last tour together as a group of 5.
It's been said that all things change, things never stay the same & so it is true even of success.  Plus One is now minus 2.  Find out about all of the changes that Plus One has gone through & what's on the horizon for this newly downsized group of 3.

Music, Entertainment & Culture At It's Best

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Toby Mac
Phil Joel on his sophomore release, and the ever-present struggle of an artist's conflict between onstage personna, the real person, and faith
Richard Street, former lead singer of the legendary Motown group The Temptations, talks about how his faith in God helped him overcome adversity and a plethora of health problems in his recent past
Check back soon to read these exclusive stories!
Lunch With...
Nate, Nathan & Gabe of Plus One!

New Artist Corner spotlight on:
Jeff Weiss

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